About Us

What about us

Reliance Eng.Secondary School

It is the oldest school of Madhumalla with a well deserved reputation for delivering a high quality education programme over 35 years.

Now, Reliance is running upto grade ten and affiliated to the NEB importing holistic educational system among the students from different communities.

The rapid success of the school inspired the school authority to build it’s own buildings with all kind of facilities availing to it’s student Reliance is further planning to establish +2 level with an ever increasing demand from the parents.

Reliance is currently running with a fully furnished class rooms, which is equipped with a smart interactive board. well maintained science laboratory, computer room, library and musical room

Reliance always believes in work is worship and duty is god.

“तमशोमा ज्योर्तिगमय”
“Lead me from darkness to Light”
Reliance English Secondary School (RESS) is located in far eastern region’s old historic place of Morang district- Madhumalla, 10 km north from Mahendra Highway. School is established in the initial phase of private boarding schools are licensed by government in Nepal. RESS is struggling to impart the true education in remote area on those days. Now, RESS is well known as an innovative and dedicated school for real practical education to pupils in Madhumalla, Morang for 2 and half decades. RESS is top private boarding school to educate and pass the students in higher percentage and in higher numbers in surrounding areas. Quite big number of students are securing distinction in S.L.C. and marking the noticeable impact in Colleges and Universities.

Our Core Values & Goals

Core Values

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

Our Core Values and Goals

  • Quality Education: Aim at quality education in pursuit of excellence in all fields and life itself.
  • Patriotic & Ethical Values: Propagate patriotic, social, and ethical values for responsive citizenship.
  • Holistic Growth: Ensure physical, mental, and moral growth of the students and instill in them a zest for learning.
  • Broaden Horizons: Enlarge the mental horizons and broaden the outlook of students through training in cooperation, consideration, team spirit, and service.
  • Aesthetic Development: Judiciously arouse their aesthetic sense and inculcate habits of personal as well as social hygiene for a happy and healthy life.
  • Recreational Activities: Assist them to enjoy their leisure through healthy recreational activities, hobbies, and correct reading habits for a lifetime of pleasure and joy.
  • Skill Development: Active participation in social and cultural activities to develop various skills in Creative Art, Craft, Music, and Mental, Physical, and Emotional development of each child.
  • Channelizing Energies: Youthful energies to be properly channeled towards creativity.

"Every day is a new chance to make a difference, Seize it!"

  • Dear Students:
    Learning is a lifelong enriching journey. You are the founders of our future and collectively the beacon of hope for the betterment of our country and our world. You are opening doors for yourselves, your family, your community, and those who follow in your footsteps. Become the version of yourself that you want to be. Work hard, learn, build, and stay open so that you are prepared when opportunities come your way.

    Try to excel in the facilities provided by your parents, teachers, and facilitators provide you.
    Inculcate in yourself the habit of leading a planned life and doing things regularly. Do not leave any work for tomorrow.
    Fix your study hours at home. Complete your assignments carefully, revise the day’s lessons, and prepare yourself for the next day’s tasks.
    These habits will pay off in the long run.
    The school diary contains useful information, so bring it daily without fail and maintain it carefully.

    Always Remember:
    Work is worship
    and duty is God.

    With blessings
    Mr. Subash Rai


  • Be respectful to your parents, teachers, staff of the school, and elderly citizens.
  • i. Be Punctual.    ii. Be neat and clean.     iii. Be humble in your success or victory.
  • Take pride in yourself, your school, your parents, and your Nation.
  • Be courteous. Remember “Thank You” and “Please” are two very good words.
  • Be thankful to God for everything that He has given to you.
  • Be Truthful.
  • Believe in yourself and have courage. Remember, God is with you always and everywhere.



  • Do not cause hurt by your words or deeds.
  • Do not be afraid to speak the truth or accept a mistake.
  • Do not damage or disfigure the properties of your school or at home.
  • Do not use abusive language.
  • Do not look down upon those who are less privileged, weak, or physically challenged.
  • i. Do not ill-treat animals or birds.   ii. Do not be arrogant.   iii. Do not copy or cheat.   iv. Do not steal.
  • Do not mock or ridicule someone’s failure.

Forbidden Practices

No student shall indulge in any of the following practices:

    • Use of violence in any form.
    • Sex-related offences.
    • Rude and disorderly behavior.
    • Smoking, use of drugs, or intoxicants.
    • Any form of gambling.
    • Casteism, communalism, and practice of untouchability.
    • Any student found indulging in forbidden practices will be liable to strict disciplinary action.

General School Rules

  • Students are expected to behave politely and show respect towards teachers, staff, friends, and all elderly people.
  • The school insists on regular attendance, strict punctuality, cleanliness, neatness in uniform, general grooming, and dedication to studies and work assignments.
  • Care must be taken of all school property. Students should ensure protection of school property and are liable for replacement costs in case of willful damage.
  • For leave of absence up to three days, it is sufficient to apply through the pages of the diary. For leave longer than three days, a written application addressed to the principal is necessary for approval.
  • No student is allowed to leave the school premises without prior written permission from the principal.
  • No books other than those required for school work may be brought to the school.
  • Each class is responsible for the care of their classroom and belongings. Any breakages or damage will be charged to the responsible student or class.
  • Use of fancy items such as bangles, rings, or expensive jewelry is not permitted in school.
  • Boys must keep their hair trimmed as per school rules, and girls with long hair should keep it tied neatly with ribbons.
  • The prescribed school uniform must be worn on class days, at school functions, and during visits to public functions. The uniform must be clean and tidy.
  • Shoes must be clean and polished. Boots are not allowed.
  • The use of abusive language is strictly prohibited in school.
  • The practice of untouchability, casteism, and communalism is strictly forbidden. Strict action will be taken against violators.
  • Strict action will be taken against students found fighting or quarreling in school.
  • The school diary must be brought to school daily. Loss of the diary will be viewed seriously.
  • Students are expected to respect and follow all the rules laid down by the school.

Examination and Promotion

  • There will be four term examinations and four term weekly tests throughout the year.
  • Progress Report card of the examination will be handed over to the parents after each term.
  • Promotion depends on the child’s performance throughout the academic year, not merely on marks scored in the final term.
  • For better and easier learning, the whole academic year is divided into four terms.


1st Term

2st Term

3st Term

4st Term


Baisak to Ashar

Shrawan to Ashoj

Kartik to Poush

Magh to Chaitra



Cream shirt with half sleeves and one pocket without flaps and tie-collar, Dark green shorts/pants with two pockets, Black shoes with laces, and Dark green socks without bands.


Cream shirt with half sleeves and one pocket without flaps and tie-collar, House coloured ribbon, Dark green skirts with knife-cut pleats, Black shoes without laces, and Dark green socks without bands.



White shirt and pant/shorts, white canvas-shoes, and white socks without bands.


White shirt, skirt, and ribbon, white canvas-shoes, and white socks without bands.



Dark green pull-over with full sleeves with ‘V’ neck, Dark green pants.


Dark green pull-over with full sleeves and skin-colored leggings.


House Dress may worn on specific house day, house competition and sports day.

1)White uniform must worn on Tuesday and Friday with plain white shocks and with canvas shoes. 

Nepal is my country

All Nepalese are my brothers and sisters. I love my country, and I am proud of its rich and varied heritage. I shall always strive to be worthy of it. I shall give respect to my parents, teachers, classmates, and all elders, and treat everyone with courtesy. To my people and my country, I pledge my devotion. In their well-being and prosperity alone lies my happiness.

Morning Prayer

O God, my God,
We kneel down before you.
May your blessings rest upon us
And make us worthy children.
Guide us in all our undertakings.
Make us wiser and better human beings.
Enlighten our minds.
Be with us as we work at school
And as we play.
Help us to do our best for now
And every day.
Thank you.

School Over Prayer

Dear God,
Thank you for looking after us
And our school.
Thank you that you love each
And every one of us here.
Thank you for this day
And for all that we have learnt today.
Thank you.

Important Notes to Guardians

  1. Please cooperate with the school to ensure effective education for your children. You can do this by:
    • Providing a conducive environment for studying at home.
    • Ensuring your ward has textbooks, notebooks, and other necessary supplies.
    • Assisting and guiding your ward in completing homework.
    • Helping your ward address any weaknesses in specific subjects.
    • Paying fees on time, as per the school rules.
    • Ensuring your ward is in proper school uniform.
  2. Check your ward’s school diary frequently to ensure that assigned homework is completed regularly.
  3. Review and countersign any remarks made in the school diary on a regular basis.
  4. If you feel your ward is not making the desired progress, please consult with the principal. You are always welcome to visit the school to discuss your ward’s progress.
  5. You may contact subject and class teachers personally in the staff room. Please avoid visiting the classroom to prevent disturbance.
  6. If your ward needs to take leave, kindly send a leave application addressed to the principal through the class teacher, duly signed by you.
  7. Ensure that your ward comes to school regularly in neat, clean, and tidy uniform. Otherwise, your ward may be sent back home.
  8. Please do not send your ward to school if they are suffering from any contagious disease.
  9. Avoid giving costly items to your ward to bring to school.
  10. Ensure that your ward is safely escorted to and from school.
  11. The school is not responsible for students’ activities outside the school premises and after school hours unless these activities are organized by the school.